Samhain news – Practical Ceremony is published

My latest book is out, published on the Amazon platform here . This book is the result of my personal explorations with the elements, directions and sacred geometry, with added reflections from travel notes. For each element of earth, air, fire, water and ether, there are practical exercises and journaling questions for experiential self-inquiry, the expansion of receptivity and the development of ideas.

Blessed Be )0(


New Moon Capricorn & mountain goat love

The sun and moon join together in Capricorn tonight, and here we are, the new year has started. Earth with earth, we stick to our plans, letting the magical goat-mermaid lead us, taking care to not fall off the cliff as we embrace the new. Where is our path leading? To that space where we are safe, loved and at peace. Nothing else matters when we accept our own destiny, supported by family and friends, we know that change is coming. Sing with the cosmic waves tonight and let them cleanse you, while la luna calms your chaos, and lulls you into a nourishing sleep. Dream the world into being, and let the Goddess weave with her golden threads, creating a blanket of joy and prosperity.

Blessed Be )0(

Lunar locks, mixed media art by Pia, 2022

Full Moon Aquarius & innovative soul changes

The second full moon in Aquarius takes us by storm – let the innovative air flow through you and accept the change. Renew body, soul and mind through the depths of your magical being. By acknowledging the best in you, the airy full Aquarian luna will provide you with comfort and healing. With the graces of the beautiful air sylphs, the dancing metaphor of your guardian angel is always near.

Blessed Be )0(

Lunar God, mixed media by Pia, 2021

New Moon Leo & creativity of the heart

Leo new moon arrives tonight with an empty space to fill with all your creative dreams. The feline love is purring with inspiration, her paws filled with ideas. Which is the one to fill your cup of passion? Be receptive as la luna shows you the extravaganza of colours and shapes. Under this new leonine moon we shape our next six months of joy and imagination. Don’t shy away, let the warmth of the big cat extract your inner artist and extrapolate your vision. Flowing with the energies of creation by fire you can be all that you love now.

Blessed Be )0(

Wild forest love fairy, mixed media art by Pia, 2021

New Moon Cancer – love, peace and all that rocks

Here we are, in the home sphere of the Cancer new moon, her watery energy flowing tonight, absorbed through our skin, seeping into the cracks, connecting to your soul. Stillness and comfort finds us now, we are the ones we have been looking for. Unite the pieces and be you, the home of your heart has arrived at last. Drink the moonlit dew of the flower fairies as you wish and ingest with deepest gratitude all that the Great Mother gives us. In our own roots we are truly accomplished, here and beyond.

Earth & Moon Goddess, mixed media by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Sagittarius & fire woman

Gorgeous Sagittarius full moon arrives tonight to lighten up our souls. Bare your heart, body and soul to the archer’s friendly fire and surrender to the flow of love. Accompanied with an imaginary travelling spirit and an eternal map, the Sagittarian energy refreshes our dreams and brings clarity to our path. Shake your way onto the next journey, survey the ground with a kaleidoscopic eye and observe the shimmer of Mama Earth. In our lotus filled hearts we find the kindred, the seekers and the soul-twins. Look into the mirror and know you are found.

Blessed Be )0(

Fire Goddess, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Taurus & finding home

The new moon in Taurus tonight brings the comforts of the home, telling you to relax and to be with the earth. Grounding truths may appear, illuminating the feeling of pure knowledge, letting it touch you in all the ways a soul retrieval can. The Taurean Goddess allows for luxurious enjoyment, and for creating your own sacred nest. Starting small, the building bricks laced with earth fairy magic will provide the Shakespearean space of dream time. Gracefully open your heart under the new moon tonight and let the feeling of protective abundance heal you. Hug a tree and let loose. It is all here, waiting for you.

Blessed Be )0(

Earth Goddess, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Aries & re-birth with the Goddess

Fire sparks with the new luna in Aries tonight. The Goddess of the Ram is giving you permission to renew and let go. Her magic heals and re-structures your soul’s essence, strips away stuck layers and allows you to shine. Being the first sign in the Zodiac, Aries reminds us of the significance to be ready to see everything with fresh eyes, with curiosity and grace, and to be grateful for who we are and for whom we have in our lives. Allow the Aries moon to reveal the true you, flow with her energies tonight and embrace the mystic wisdom created by transforming your core.

Blessed Be)0(

Fire Goddess, painting by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Libra – balancing soul & heart

Balance the scales tonight with the Libra full moon, her energy activating that which need readjustment. Pour your soul and heart to the Goddess of Spring and receive her guidance and comfort. La luna’s Libran flow finds the faraway corners with spirited energy of festivity and encourages us to experience true bliss. Let her moon healing open your hidden box of innermost wishes and feel the air carrying them to their rightful destination. Perhaps there are fairies involved, notice the sparkles of light as you enjoy this moon of balance and love.

Blessed Be )0(

Ostara by Pia, mixed media, 2021

New Moon Pisces & deep dreaming

Overflowing with water, the new moon in Pisces allows us to dream into being that which has eluded us, those ideas which have floated away are now returning to our consciousness. Let them simmer in the pot of imagination and observe if they are linked to our hearts desire. Stay in the Piscean dream-time and let la luna comfort you, her energies will turn the tide for deep healing. Spend time near your favourite water source, and soak in the nurturing waves of the unknown. Be receptive once again, and momentarily let down your guard for true joy to enter. The rays of the Piscean moon and sun will amplify and provide a safe space for an honest possibility.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Virgo & mama earth love

Tonight’s full luna in Virgo reminds us to ground and nourish with the Earth Mother herself. Dream yourself away to your favourite location on Gaia, let your angst drop and let it transform into the branches of an exotic flower, nourishing another more fulfilling aspect of yourself. Connect with the land and receive the healing calmness of being protected. Under the Virgo moon mama’s earth energy, you are forever held and loved.

Blessed Be )0(

Flower Goddess XII, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Aquarius & lunar healings

Dive deep into the universal consciousness with the Aquarian new moon tonight. Let your thoughts run free and fine-tune your antenna to the endless sky above. Receive the water bearer’s messages from far beyond the current wavelength of activity. Answer the call to anything which feels freeing and empowering. Maybe it is a new way of thinking or being, or a deep acceptance of your own soul-self, a realisation where you sparkle and shine in your own truth. Flow in the imagination of the Aquarian age, where freedom and fresh ideas join hands. Which one will you choose?

Blessed Be )0(

Star mermaid, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Leo – love and creativity in the heart

Leo love is snuggling into your lap tonight, her full moon magic touching your bare soul. Her clawed paws, retracted, are softly marking your skin, as she illuminates the path of fiery energy. Is there something new you are urging to explore? Or something old which is still lingering in your deep river of memories? Creative Leo is moving her tail, reminding us of our gifts, continuously revealing themselves as we look beyond the horizon. Under this round-bellied moon, take the fake fur for a ride and glam it up. Sparkling jewellery and spring water in a champagne flute, all to refresh your soul.

Blessed Be )0(

Sun Daisy, drawing by Pia, 2021

New Moon Capricorn & forest faun love

Cleanse your aura under the Capricorn new moon tonight and listen to the call of your own forest faun. His words might be hidden within the mystical foliage of the dark night, echoing back subtle messages, curated for your ears only. What might his horned psyche tell you? Perhaps he urges you to gently leave old stuck ways behind and instead, with a cherished warmth, embrace a whole new chapter of grounded empowerment. The goat’s wisdom is vast, follow his example and organize your skills, the best is channeled from source, revealed by la luna’s dark light. Walk softly with the faun’s embrace, enjoy the healing and raise a toast to the ancient one.

Blessed Be )0(

Forest faun, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Cancer & nurturing stars

Here we are under the Cancerian full moon’s light, nesting in our soul’s safe space. Introversion nurtures the passages in our minds as we gather truthful thoughts in quiet solitude. Bring your focus to those who are close to your heart, bless them to flourish as the shining stars they are. Emotions of gratitude may arise, let any tears flow while the Cancerian Mama Luna wipes them away with her compassion. Your boundaries are strengthened as the full lunar rays hit your bodily abode. Stay within, close your eyes, and gaze into the dream-time. Much is yet to be revealed, but now it is time to rest and wait.

Blessed Be )0(

Mama Rose Star, drawing by Pia, 2020

New Moon Sagittarius & Solar Eclipse – flowing into the unknown

Into the unknown we flow with the Sagittarian new moon tonight. What do we desire? Tell the fiery archer to aim her arrow far and beyond your dreams. Giving permission for expansion, with Jupiter’s grace, the planetary moment of truth is here. Let your body move with the energy of the current flow, activating your instincts and your intellectual cravings. With love, the deep and the never-ending kind, Sagittarius awakens your potential. Channeling visions with no promises or pressures, you can be here, receiving exactly that which is meant for you.

Blessed Be )0(

Painting by Pia, mixed media, 2020

Full Moon Sagittarius, lunar eclipse & arrow of inspiration

The Queen of Inspiration synchronises her vision with the Sagittarian full moon tonight. With the centaur’s blessing, point your arrow and aim high, and see it flying through the obstacles. Gaze into the lunar eclipse portal and feel yourself drawn to a nurturing visit in the undefined space-time continuum, where injustice is healed and negative patterns are cleansed. Your creativity will take you far, and give you soul-peace. Anything that you wish to accomplish is possible, let the full luna light lead the way and feel supported by the Sagittarius fire.

Blessed Be)0(

New Moon Gemini, with the Empress blessing

Swirling through the ether, the Gemini new luna is providing courage to communicate with yourself, the ancestors and Mother Earth. In a ring of 10 Pentacles, ground and invite the astrological twin energy to heal your circle of beings. The blessing of The Empress, lifting her hood and unveiling planetary companions, can send you into the Akasha to retrieve your soul’s blessing. Think wide and far tonight and feel your heart opening to another round of possibilities as the new moon kisses your sweet lips.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Scorpio & deep healings

The Queen of deep waters, Scorpio, joins the full moon for a luminous visit tonight. She invites you to leave your dirty laundry behind and let go of that emotional clutter. With the freedom to enjoy your own dreams, the Scorpio luna taps into the ancestral line and blesses your skills. You are a true magician of your own life. Bathe in sacred waters, infused with smokey quartz and rhodochrosite, let their vibrational qualities purify and support your body and soul. In the deep waters of Scorpio, we get to peek behind the veil, and journey in dream-time to that place where we have already been. Time and space collapse as your follow your totem into the mist. Awaken in light and trust.

Blessed Be )0(


New Moon Taurus & earthy love

Stay with your thoughts focused on the best and let the unease be. The new moon in Taurus will bless you with her oxen powers and let you cherish in Venusian delights. What is her gift, we wonder, the one within reach, just for you? Listen to la luna’s messages tonight, and let the tensions drift, receive the earth-moon’s healing and sleep deeply. Dream well, flower child of the wild. Your blossoming is near.

Blessed Be )0(

Art by Pia

Full Moon Libra & fairy magic arising

Let your inner fairy rise to the surface under this Libra full moon and stabilise the scales in motion. In the spherical mystery, the third eye sees more. Ask and seek the unknown, join the conversation of your soul sisters and brothers and learn from their wisdom. With the light surfacing from your fairy companion, send out healing to the world, and receive its’ effect of peace and love. Calming crystal energies spark a process of deep knowing, let them purify you and feel earth’s ancestral energies in the crystalline structure, guiding you to take better care of yourself and the environment. In solitude, dance under the full luna’s empowering light and trust your place in the universe, release the know-it-all and bow to the bigger picture.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aries & creating peace

The new luna in Aries begins the astrological year with a message to look within and to find your peaceful position. The Ram will fuel your intuition and help to release anxious thoughts and restlessness. Know that your time is precious and you are here for a bigger purpose. In the night of the dark moon, meditate and heal with the world. Trust that the powerful Aries fire will transmute toxicity and bring forth an opportunity to cleanse and renew. Through dreaming with the golden Ram, we can all join our virtual hands and hearts and connect for the greater good. Soul expansion is arriving as we are making it through the circle to the lighter side. Gaze at the night sky and observe the crystal clear clarity of beaming healing stars, open your aura and welcome their shimmering magic. All will be OK.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Virgo & Gaian times

The earthy full moon in Virgo tonight nurtures us with her grounding caress and asks us to commit to clean living. Energetically purifying, la luna inspires us to make an investment in ourselves, to survey our growth and find our footing again. With the elemental balance of the moon-earth and water-sun, we can dip our toes into the Neptunian depth, stay balanced on the land and investigate our strengths, while we make a decision. Cleansing the closet, physical and mental, of past hurts and thriving into the well-being of the future, we now energise and manifest the utmost. Trust your bodily intuition as the full moon guides you in somatic movement and the earth-fairies replenish your soul.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Pisces & initiating compassionate visions

With the new moon in Pisces energising the sky, gather your mermaid friends and start an underwater coven of mischief and fun. Mystical and dreamy, the Piscean energy will nurture your emotions with its’ promises of healing the subconscious. The ancient wisdom received now is stirring your undercurrent and electrifying deep wishes. Once more, let yourself dream and sleep undisturbed, as the water-faes wash away your fears of the unknown. Wear your mermaid tail with bravery and weave yourself out of the dark depths into the turquoise waters of the nourishing heart. Accept the freedom and chant it into being.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Love & heartfelt passions arise

The beautiful full moon in Leo creates passionate awakenings and luxurious thoughts of love and creativity. Tune into the lioness luna and let her warmth fill your chakras with passionate energy. Express your individuality as part of the cosmos, and remember that which makes you radiate brings healing to others. In this time of deep soul-longing, find your creative spark and let it flow, like the flowers opening their petals to the sun, let your heart chakra receive and express your unique talents. Meditate with the gorgeous rays of pink and green and reset your visioning. Being here and now will lead you to the future of your dreams, where places, people and energies positively connect.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

New Moon Aquarius, in community we love

The Aquarius new moon brings together our past, present and future community in an abstract existential space. Bask in the open-minded cool air of the waterbearer’s luna and see far and beyond. There is a horizon of purple haze calling you in, welcoming your star presence to the new age. Cleanse your aura and accept the rapid change of vibration, reach out and hold the sparkling hand of your cosmic guide. Another journey begins, your wholeness is imperative for the well-being of the universe. Gratitude is the key, it opens the doors to the dream-state of reality. Cherish the smooth transmission and receive the codes of realisation.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

Full Moon Cancer & Lunar Eclipse

The full moon and lunar eclipse in Cancer invite you to stay still and consider your options. Enter the dream time of the Cancerian home, that which is the residency of your heart. Is it vacant or taken? Is there space to roam and be free? Move within your thoughts and let them spell the next steps to your nurturing soul-garden. Growth will occur when the weeds are expelled and transformed into fertile ground. The occulted moon provides a spacious opening for emotional risk-taking. Observe mama luna as she hides away, only to re-emerge in blissed light. Nothing is lost, you are forever present in the space-time continuum of The Fool’s Journey. The circle begins again. Stay with your heart, it knows the way.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

New Moon Capricorn & Solar Eclipse

The new moon is immersed with the Sea Goat’s magic tonight. Ground yourself with the darkened goaty luna’s energies and weave your fragrant flowery wreath for the coming season. Your wishes are made tangible with the nymphs spirited joy. Maybe Pan himself is playing his flute for you under this Capricorn moon? Toast to la luna with an Arcadian dance and let the occulted sun join in. Banish all heaviness and flow with the delicate, attractive moonbeams. May the new year bring us all peace, love and cherished community, local, global and universal. Thank you.

Blessed be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Gemini & twin soul magic

Your psyche will surface once more under the wintery full moon in Gemini. The clandestine cherished souls of the twins will join forces in the dreamy landscape of the cosmic heart. Hold hands, fall down and let it go, that one thing that can now be forgiven, let it slip out of your aura, and transform it into love. Transitory winter faeries flutter their opalescent wings, kissing your cheek and wrapping you in magic, reminding you to stay whole. Say thank you to la luna’s gorgeous twin energies and comfort your spirit poet’s thirst with precious drops of amaranthine nectar. The red winged angel is blessing your union, may the Goddess be with you, in all ways.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Sagittarius & adventure blooms

Have your magical bow and arrow ready when la luna arrives in Sagittarius tonight. The friendly archer has many surprises for you, spurring your adventurous soul further into the vast universe of kindred souls. Focus on your higher heart, with its’ decorated passages of acceptance and narrow corridors of dreams lined with extraordinary exotic flowers. In here, the archer’s arrow has already found its’ mark, the seeds of love have been planted, your soul’s moisture watering the flowers to full bloom. Inhale the scent of softness, the iridescent waves of Sagittarius friendly fire as you journey gently under the new moon.

Blessed Be )0(