Full Moon Aries, shine your starseed

sunset trees clouds

Where do you come from?  The Autumn Equinox brought a resplendent harvest and precious gifts to your patient waiting. Now, under this full moon in Aries, we find ourselves seeking our original self, our origin, our starseed. The fiery inquisitiveness unique to the Ram’s temper, brings abundant knowledge from which your soul can call forth and ignite answers. Use this moment to carve out your very own space in this ever-expanding universe. Trust that you belong here, with all your perceived faults and quirks, there is only one of you.  Light your favourite incense tonight and work with the colour of deep healing magenta in your auric field. Sense your individual spark, find joy and be whole.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Virgo & healthy earth glow

nine of pentacles tarot card

Ground and glow with the new moon in Virgo tonight. Receive her guidance for health and abundance which  is rooted in Mother Earth’s tangible structure. Autumnal colours will inspire you to slow down and trust your forthcoming harvest.  Be in your body and calmly dance to the silent rhythms of la luna’s rays. Synchronise your chakras with the flesh, muscle and bone that created the unique you. Travel back to your ancestors and meet the founder of your lineage. The true Goddess who is your guide. Listen to her words, spoken in an ancient language, and know that her advice is the one you can trust. Embrace her message and let the soul healing take place. You are complete as you are.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces, dream, sleep and heal

two dolphins

Be at one with your dreams and sleep deeply under the full moon’s rays tonight. There is softness in the air, ready to reveal a new state of being, once again, your perceived skin is ready to be shed. Tune into your higher consciousness, the enlightened being of love, and ask her to step out of the cocoon. Follow the soft waves of compassion as you enter the honest flow of tranquility. Your imagination is your greatest ally when creating your new world. Change brings responsibility, for you, the community and for Mother Earth. Let the moonlight invade your veins and chant love to the rotund luna’s song. Accept that your vision is also the uni-vision, the positive vibrations you hold inside want to be unveiled, and by doing so, peace is brought to the world.

Blessed Be)0(

New Moon Leo, awakening with the solar eclipse

The Lioness roars again with the new moon today.  A clean slate for creative enterprises is in preparation after we have ventured beyond the purifying solar eclipsed field. Brush your mane and colour it bright, be brave but don’t boast. The warmth of the Leo’s big heart has a solution to every puzzle, evoke its’ feline frequency and adopt a regal posture while you relax your stance.  Work with your heart chakra, meditate, sing, dance and rejoice.  Free your imagination and return to your kitten’s roots as you discover another part of your playful soul. Awaken and sparkle in your true skin.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed Media by Pia

Full Moon Aquarius, eclipse spells success

Freshness is arriving with the Water Bearer’s full moon tonight, bring the Aquarian’s inquisitive mind close to yours and listen to the messages. The lunar eclipse spurs closure to the acts which unsettle your emotions, it is a portent time to accept and move on. With the help of the elemental kingdom, tune into your sacred self and craft your own spell casting. Say your prayers in meditation under the blood red moon and remember to send water to the scorched Mother Earth. Powerful fairies stand by your side as you make the decision to let go. Envision the rainbow bridge after the occulted luna’s show, and tip-toe in sparkling lightness. Have fairy wings, will travel.

Blessed Be )0(