New Moon Taurus & sensual revelry

Sense the Venusian vibes with the Taurean new luna today. The sensual Ox-maiden will call you to revel between lush satin sheets and urge you to embrace the sometimes forgotten slow pace of daily Zen. While you sample the luxuries of life, remember to set your goals for the next six months, this earthy new moon will reveal your true north. Light the scented candles, sample another piece of dark chocolate and make a promise to self-care as the grounding bull captures your imagination.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Libra, let the peace begin

Seek the balance under the pink full moon in Libra and comfort your anxieties with the soothing sight of la luna’s round silvery white belly. Gaia reminds us to initiate self-healing, forgiveness is key to the expansion of peace. Watch your thoughts if The Scales starts tipping to one side. With grounded effort, leave the ego behind and focus on the bigger picture. Find your centre today as you form a peaceful connection between the earth and the moon.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aries, swing your fiery wands

Access your inner fire Goddess with the rising new moon in Aries. Dance to the intricate beat of the ram’s horns as the flaming fire keeps your creativity alive. Embrace your sacral chakra and motivate yourself to spark with the new light. What is there to loose? Take your inspiration further and manifest your dreams. Size does not matter, expiry date is not applicable. Follow the fiery wands of your soul and draw the pattern of your path with the embers of the lunar light.


Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Virgo, seed your abundant roots

With the Virgo full moon in the sky, allow your roots to settle deep into the soil and intent to grow your abundance. Earthy Virgo’s green healing hands will caress your wounds as you dig into the subconscious to find the missing clues. Stability lies ahead, don’t give up and don’t settle for less. The steadfastness of the soul’s intent is permanent and durable. Dream with the full Virgo luna tonight and receive her grounding rays, guiding your dreamscape into new paths of prosperity.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

New Moon Pisces, watery dreams unfolding

Is it all a dream? Watery imagery surfacing during the dark luna, evolving from the Piscean realm of intuition. Pay attention to your third eye as the new moon rises. Tune into the emotional response and follow the fishes lead as they undulate within the obscured depths of the subconscious. Endings are calling, will you leap for the new?

Blessed Be )0(