Full Moon Leo, brush up your mane

Bring out the hairspray with the Leo full moon extravaganza tonight and bare your ego to any eclipsing thoughts that push you down. The lioness gregarious side calls for artistic co-operation, with a soulful touch as you replenish with the love of Mother Earth. Emulate the softness of Leo’s feline paws and use the claws to scratch away the last resistance to spiritual transformation. Purr away with your luscious hair blowing in the lunar wind and feel the freedom reigning.

Blessed be )0(


Drawing by Pia

New Moon Aquarius, fly high with your feather

Grab your magical flying feather at this new luna and steer towards the stars. Allow Aquarius to expand your vision once more as you focus on clarity and expansion. In the water bearer’s psyche lies the clues of newness to connect your precious dots. Gaze wondrously at the sky tonight and aim your illuminated cord towards the sliver of la luna.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & explore your depths

Rely on mother moon to caress your wounds as the night sky lits up with her grandeur. Solemn ceremonial lunar waters are ready to heal your soul as you consider what seeds to grow this year. Nurture with the healing crab moon and let the inspirational stream of consciousness flow within you. All is as it is supposed to be – for now.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia

New Moon Capricorn, with goaty wishes


What do you wish for? Use your horned antennae at this new moon to source your insights and welcome the intuitive answers. Accept what is needed as the lunar goat grounds and balances the energies of reciprocity and lets you breathe freely. As the winter sun grows in the sky and casts its’ extended rays of warmth, your new year on Mother Earth has begun. Take the easy path this time and observe the obstacles dissolve with the blessing of the sturdy goat.

Blessed be )0(

Full Moon Gemini & jumping for joy



 Listen to the dolphin’s call and jump out of your depths at this Gemini full luna. Let the ray of rainbow bubbles fill your being with positivity and release the heaviness of shoulds. The outgoing moon of the twins opens new doors of perception and draws you in, follow the lunar wave and join in the joy.

Blessed Be )0(