Full Moon Pisces & fishing the subconscious


Watery reflections repeatedly bouncing back from the past to the present. The full lunar power of the Piscean dreaminess resurfaces as we recall who we once were. Gather your bait and fish for your lost soul parts, observe as they rush towards you in shimmering drops.  Sense the fullness of your whole being, be like the round moon, escape from your earthy chores and float free with the cosmos.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

New Moon Virgo & abundant earthyness

Connect with nature under this grounding new luna and contemplate clearly on your earthy wishes. The essence of the logical Virgo will fill your cauldron of abundance with supportive strength.  Make a bouquet of  autumn wildflowers and brush your aura, invigorating the electric pathways for the beaming of lunar rays.  Be steadfast in your progress and lay your hands on Mother Earth for a reciprocal healing.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Aquarius & dreaming with the collective

Co-create with the airy aquarius tonight as the full moon shimmers with the late summer’s glow. Feathery whispers release the angst as you connect with the collective peace. There is calmness amidst the hectic pace of becoming someone else. Your fifteen minutes of stardom will be unleashed as the innovative water bearer unites with the passionate lioness. Empty the vessel of your soul and welcome the universal support, your way is now.
Blessed Be)0(

New Moon & Leo Lammas Love

Under the soft, warm and furry beams of the new Leo luna, gather your creative lights and go wild. The Lioness roar will empower you with sonic vibrations and colour all your chakras in their brightest hues. Create your own dream catcher, envision the force of all coming true and join hands with your inner pussycat. Purring can take you a long way as you swing your tail under the protection of the golden sheen of the Leo.
Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Capricorn & howling with the earth

Wolves might howl tonight under the full luna with the summer nights craving lupercalian magic and mayhem.  Stay with the moon-goat’s earthy vibe as you re-configure the past six months. What new is there yet to explore this year? Metamorphose temporarily into animal form and tread in your familiar’s shape and sense achievements quickening. Enter the dream world and journey safely through the roots of the earth and then awaken to a new bountiful dawn.
Blessed Be )0(