New Moon Cancer & flowing waters

Bathe in the Cancerian luna’s watery embrace and wash out the turbulence of the past weeks. Mother Earth needs healing, aim to hold her under the new moon tonight while you sing your intentions.  Be the river of manifestation as you close your eyes and hum to the tune of the waves. Feel your body and soul responding to that which stirs you and be ready to receive, the Crab moon’s power is immense.
Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Sagittarius & Solstice Blessings

Wake up with the fairies and spend the day with their lightfilled laughter, be content when the full moon rises, as the archer is at it again with his precious arrows.  Connecting with the energies of the sun and the moon creates a magical moment for blessings. Maybe pen a prayer for Mother Earth as she is realigning herself for a new season.  Sleeping in the Midsummer Night’s Dream, wait for Puck to blow love dust in your eyes. Who knows where your next love appears?  Wink to the moon and aim high.
Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Gemini & High Priestess Healings

Be your own High Priestess at this new luna in Gemini and wipe the slate clean with your magical tools of healing.  The airy twins appear everywhere when you open your eyes to the signs. Let their trickeries humour you and lighten up any clouded thoughts as the nights soon reach their shortest hour.  Maybe a fairy or two will appear tonight as you sip a healing brew under the lunar sky.  Prepare for magic.
Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Sagittarius & weaving with fire

Gather your loose threads and weave your own destiny under the fire moon of Sagittarius.  She allows you to go further than before. Step inside the archer’s beautiful lunar sheen and rise above all that is mundane. Ask for a miracle healing if you wish, as the silver rays of the moon are woven into a protective nest that only the arrow keeper can create.
Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Taurus and calling in fortune

Spin the Wheel of Fortune with the help of the earthy Taurus tonight, grounding your wishes with his muscular body. This slow new luna brings stability and support to that which is dearest to your heart. The sensual ox will splash you with luxurious gifts once you have firmly stated you are willing to push through the blocks. Enjoy the newness of the moon, as she synchronises with the movements of your soul.
Blessed Be )0(