New Moon Cancer emotions and unfolding the soul


The emotional Crab New Moon can send you flying high and low. Gently open up and let the unfolding be a natural process. We are past Solstice and the new energies await with unseen horizons calling, but not until you truly release the past. Invite the emotions to guide you while the intellectual analyses take a step back.  Be in sync with the nurturing waters of this Luna Crab and hibernate in her shell for a silent meditation to heal yourself – and the world. Blessed be.

Full Moon Sagittarius Fire

Fabulously free spirited Friday the 13th.  The sensual archer aims his golden arrow to the goal you intent to achieve. Cleanse away the past with the gorgeous Sagittarius fire and ignite a new stream of projects so powerful you surprise yourself.  Recognise your very own being, here and now.  Moonbathing highly recommended.

New Moon Gemini escapes


What’s your escape? Airy, witty, fast thinking Gemini swirls his energy around you as the new Luna appears with her slice in the sky. Difficult to pin down your ideas? Gemini goes with the flow and winds through the escape gate and emerges on the other side with new visions, ready to manifest in full grandeur.

Beltane fire – love, peace and lusciousness

The new moon in Taurus passed swiftly by, while the meddling solar eclipse made for sleepless nights, urging us to leave all that old baggage once and for all. Enjoy the Beltane festivities with the passionate Green Man and the luscious Goddess. Invite their energies into your heart and let go of cobwebs preventing you to partake in the dewy song of the soul. Tune into the fertility powers of this new season, and create, love and laugh from the depths of your heart. Blessed be.