Full Moon Libra Eclipsing

The seen and the unseen. Veiled underneath complicated thoughts, the full luna eclipse brings the opportunity to release and grow. The stellar conspiracy may feel too invasive but the purge is for the best. From the temporary darkness comes a new light, an opalesque luminescence that cleanses and puts our innards back where they belong. Blessed be in these changing times.

New Moon Pisces and nurturing the dreams

Planting, nurturing, growing. Keep your feet on the ground beneath the Piscean moon of daydreaming. Listen to your inner voice and let it speak from its’ core. Plant your dreams, sow your soul and then be still, watch it all evolve from a point of no return. Blessed are the creative spirits who expand their circles.

Drawing by Pia, 2014


Full Moon Leo Loving & Valentines is for all

For all of you, whether in love, out of love, falling in love, waiting for love, I send a Love Fairy to hug you under this wintery Full Leo Moon. Pull in your claws and purr for the love. And as we Leos say, everyday is Valentine, even if it means the rose tinted glasses at times gets misty from tears, there is always a sweet kind of gold at the end of the rainbow. And sometimes an annoying Leprechaun waking us up to reality.

Drawing by Pia, 2014

New Moon Aquarius revelations

The water bearer in its New Moon phase brings us renewed collective awareness and a chance to set it all right. Have a quiet moment in solitude and ponder on your role in the world, in the quest of truth and honest communication we are all united. What you will hear might reveal and enchant, and most certainly will set you on an exploratory path.

Pensative Merman, oil painting by Pia, 2006