Full Moon Love & heartfelt passions arise

The beautiful full moon in Leo creates passionate awakenings and luxurious thoughts of love and creativity. Tune into the lioness luna and let her warmth fill your chakras with passionate energy. Express your individuality as part of the cosmos, and remember that which makes you radiate brings healing to others. In this time of deep soul-longing, find your creative spark and let it flow, like the flowers opening their petals to the sun, let your heart chakra receive and express your unique talents. Meditate with the gorgeous rays of pink and green and reset your visioning. Being here and now will lead you to the future of your dreams, where places, people and energies positively connect.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

New Moon Aquarius, in community we love

The Aquarius new moon brings together our past, present and future community in an abstract existential space. Bask in the open-minded cool air of the waterbearer’s luna and see far and beyond. There is a horizon of purple haze calling you in, welcoming your star presence to the new age. Cleanse your aura and accept the rapid change of vibration, reach out and hold the sparkling hand of your cosmic guide. Another journey begins, your wholeness is imperative for the well-being of the universe. Gratitude is the key, it opens the doors to the dream-state of reality. Cherish the smooth transmission and receive the codes of realisation.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

Full Moon Cancer & Lunar Eclipse

The full moon and lunar eclipse in Cancer invite you to stay still and consider your options. Enter the dream time of the Cancerian home, that which is the residency of your heart. Is it vacant or taken? Is there space to roam and be free? Move within your thoughts and let them spell the next steps to your nurturing soul-garden. Growth will occur when the weeds are expelled and transformed into fertile ground. The occulted moon provides a spacious opening for emotional risk-taking. Observe mama luna as she hides away, only to re-emerge in blissed light. Nothing is lost, you are forever present in the space-time continuum of The Fool’s Journey. The circle begins again. Stay with your heart, it knows the way.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

New Moon Capricorn & Solar Eclipse

The new moon is immersed with the Sea Goat’s magic tonight. Ground yourself with the darkened goaty luna’s energies and weave your fragrant flowery wreath for the coming season. Your wishes are made tangible with the nymphs spirited joy. Maybe Pan himself is playing his flute for you under this Capricorn moon? Toast to la luna with an Arcadian dance and let the occulted sun join in. Banish all heaviness and flow with the delicate, attractive moonbeams. May the new year bring us all peace, love and cherished community, local, global and universal. Thank you.

Blessed be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Gemini & twin soul magic

Your psyche will surface once more under the wintery full moon in Gemini. The clandestine cherished souls of the twins will join forces in the dreamy landscape of the cosmic heart. Hold hands, fall down and let it go, that one thing that can now be forgiven, let it slip out of your aura, and transform it into love. Transitory winter faeries flutter their opalescent wings, kissing your cheek and wrapping you in magic, reminding you to stay whole. Say thank you to la luna’s gorgeous twin energies and comfort your spirit poet’s thirst with precious drops of amaranthine nectar. The red winged angel is blessing your union, may the Goddess be with you, in all ways.

Blessed Be )0(