New Moon Leo & pink sky crystal magic

Draw down your own Leonine new moon tonight and let her purr next to your heart chakra, soothing those dreams which are yet to crystallise. In the radiance of the lunar clawed paws, extend your arms to receive the full range of heart-centred inspiration as the new moon rises in the sky. With a pointed quartz, ask that your focus be crystal clear and intent the next cycle of colourful creativity. Dance with the passion of the Leo and sense the sun’s joyful energy balancing the moon’s pensative imagination. Let the electric heart be your guide as the soul-magic gracefully guides you home. Be in your truest essence, always.

Blessed Be )0(

Photo by Pia

Full Moon Capricorn & lunar eclipse

Capricorn full moon eclipsed will bring out the hidden paths of your soul, your ties with the past, present and future are shifting, creating space for the new to enter. During this transitory time-zone, walk into your own ancient forest of delicate nourishment, in your mind the trees grow tall while you tread barefoot on the soft moss-covered ground. What is occulted is now revealed, the connection to your emotions will be acknowledged, they are real. There is nothing to hinder the progress you are embarking on. The temporarily darkened goat moon will show you the survival strategy to lighten your burden. Listen to the sounds of love from the roots of the ancient forest and surrender to their healing song. The way of the mystic is crystal-clear.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Sagittarius & Summer Solstice soul refurbishment

The Sagittarius full moon brings joy to our recent trials of multiple transformations. Your inner temple is ready for the archer’s smooth moon-arrow, the truth is aimed where it needs to go, finding its’ point of comfort. Nearing the magic of Solstice, the Midsummer fairies will dance with you once again to the tune of the Sagittarian freedom. An honest heart brings us closer to everybody around us, singing the songlines of connection, encased in deep love. Devote yourself to your mission, wholeheartedly, and observe how the light transmutes and uplevels all your channels. Wear freshly picked flowers in your hair, drink the lunar potion of the fae-sight and let the vision of Titania and Oberon fill your imagination. Dreams come true, no matter what. Be wild and follow in the footsteps of the ones you cherish. Your heart is your guide, let it bloom.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Gemini, words come forth

Communicative new moon in Gemini helps us to assess the subtle ways we absorb and convey information, reminding us to utilise the channels which express our individuality with grace and wisdom. Let the luna of the twins fine-tune your words, write down a poem from your heart-space and recite it to the one(s) you love under the new moon’s dark light. Joyous experiences arrive as the truth is informed. In the Tarot, Temperance tells us to balance excesses and choose the middle way. It is the path which brings you peace, simultaneously awakening the universal sonics of a higher vibration. Trust the flow once more and meet your twin-soul as the night draws in. Know they are close by, energetically embracing you in deep sacred love as you sleep in velvety peace.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Scorpio, revealing the other side

Take a deep breath and journey with the full luna in Scorpio tonight. Deep desires are uncovered and revealed when the Scorpionic water energy quietly flows into your soul. Flashing memories of forgotten wishes may appear, welcome them, and feel the ancient joy of your destiny surfacing again. Forgive and forget, life is too short to bear the grudges of the past. Purify your hands with magical moon infused water and bless your delicate third eye. The Scorpio luna filters out the negative messages you no longer need and opens up the vision for the unexpected. It was written in the stars after all, you just have to say yes. What are you resisting? Indulge in your own mind and expand the perception to the other side, the imagination in the looking-glass will show you the parallel truth.

Blessed Be )0(