Category: amazonite

Full Moon Scorpio/Beltaine blessings with cups of magical water


The full moon in Scorpio casts a light on the occulted dreams from times past. Surfacing secrets, desires and mystical messages are whispered into your ear when the twilight of the soul is stung by the ancient Scorpio. Cleanse the emotional turbulence in the potent Beltaine fire and be nourished with the sweet, magical water of the omni-present Goddess. The cups of collaboration and celebration are calling you to dance with enjoyment under the Scorpionic moon, balancing the opaque darkness with the crystalline light. With the fertile season upon us, let your creativity loose, free your chakras and let the imagination run as a stream of unfettered consciousness. Creating its’ own undefined law of attraction, soulfulness will guide you home.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Sagittarius and fantastically fiery arrows

Fiery arrows of the Sagittarius are aimed with determined goals tonight. The full moon is bursting with energy to help us sprint ahead with all those dreams. Sieve away the ones which no longer speak to your heart and blossom your cherished ones. La luna and the archer will set it all into action.  Go ahead, conquer, love and be inspired.