Category: arkansas quartz

New Moon Pisces & streaming love

Under the new luna in Pisces we can find peace through the ancient energy of maritime flow. In the cups of the Tarot, the number three foretells us of celebrations and collaborations with our kindred spirits. If an opportunity arises, take it and do not hesitate, the cosmic laws of attraction are showing you the unexpected way ahead. Dwell in the oceanic depths tonight and find the calmness you are seeking. Slowing down in dreamtime is the gift of Pisces. Exploring unknown areas of your soul will show you how to manifest through creativity. Meditate and gather your thoughts, practical and philosphical. Follow once again the stream of love and the Piscean luna will support and heal you through soft waves, magical and ethereal, yet raw and potent. Stream freely, let go, and once again, be love.

Blessed Be )0(