Category: candle

Full Moon Gemini, calling the lovers

candles tarot card the lovers rosequartz

Intersecting space and time, the full moon of the twins is consulting and consoling our intricately linked facets  of the feminine and the masculine, the cool and the heat, the moist and the dry, the dark and the light. Uniting with your kindred spirits on all levels of the psyche and corpus, tune into the Gemini moon’s swift rays and call in your true self and also those who you can safely invite into your sacred space of companionship. Under this full luna of the twins, listen to your inner oracle and embrace the wittiness of the Gemini banter, enlightening your love zone where the communication of the souls is of inherent importance. Those who make you smile with their storytelling are the true masters of healing.  Be wise and open up to change.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces & compassion alert


The full belly of the Pisces moon shines her astral spell on you tonight. Welcome la luna’s aqueous energy as it enters your dream zone, making you aware of a different stream of subconscious flow.  Meditate with compassion and immerse your imagination in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. Honor the Medicine Wheel with gratitude and let the magic of Mother Earth penetrate your soul. Her and the moon, will provide you with all the answers you seek.

Blessed Be )0(