Category: carnelian

New Moon Aries & spark your creative aura

Our creative inspiration may hit a new note tonight under the Aries new moon. Electrifying ideas are yours to express, do not hold back when your aura hits the vein of individual expression. The Ram’s fire ignites ideas and helps you to liberate the stale energy of times past. With true liberation, you will find the purifying power to expand into the world. This is not the time to hide. Be brave and and tell it as it is. Furthering your soul power will equally distribute the harmonious equilibrium down the ancestral line. Evolving and synchronising with the Aries new luna is a token of the new era. Your voice is heard, here and now. Stay with your sparkling wisdom and capture your essence with spirited vocal tones, in music, in words, in colours. You are the substance of the stars.

Blessed Be )0(

Aries Flower Goddess, mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Aries & Lunar Eclipse

Fight fire with fire and you get nowhere, pull down the defensive and stop hitting your head into the wall. Lunar Aries can ignite a fire swell of emotion, use it to your advantage and admit to the humanity within. Howl at the moon if needed and then embrace yourself with all your gifts and faults, they are unique and will take you where you want to be. Blessed Be.
Drawing by Pia.


New Moon Leo & Heart Chakra Loving

Leo loves with the heart set on fire, the rays expanding in multiversal directions. Let your heart chakra expand under this generous new Luna. Celebrate with your inner child and give it some joyful Leo loving and those innermost wishes will come true. The adventure that starts on this moon will take you beyond your wildest dreams. It is all about love after all, give the universe and yourself a big hug!  Blessed Leo Be.



Full Moon Sagittarius Fire

Fabulously free spirited Friday the 13th.  The sensual archer aims his golden arrow to the goal you intent to achieve. Cleanse away the past with the gorgeous Sagittarius fire and ignite a new stream of projects so powerful you surprise yourself.  Recognise your very own being, here and now.  Moonbathing highly recommended.