Category: citrine

Full Moon Virgo & Gaian times

The earthy full moon in Virgo tonight nurtures us with her grounding caress and asks us to commit to clean living. Energetically purifying, la luna inspires us to make an investment in ourselves, to survey our growth and find our footing again. With the elemental balance of the moon-earth and water-sun, we can dip our toes into the Neptunian depth, stay balanced on the land and investigate our strengths, while we make a decision. Cleansing the closet, physical and mental, of past hurts and thriving into the well-being of the future, we now energise and manifest the utmost. Trust your bodily intuition as the full moon guides you in somatic movement and the earth-fairies replenish your soul.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Taurus & healing with the earth

The new luna in Taurus tonight brings a grounded presence and a time of peace. Now we can settle our impatience aside and enjoy just be-ing. Grateful thoughts bring in more luxury and stability, which the Taurus energy exemplifies. Place your manifestations close to your heart and envision your inner garden growing and expanding for the next six months. The rewards will be unveiled at the right time. Step out into the spring air and draw in the winds of change. Everything is possible. Let the Taurean moon soothe your soul and bring in the earth healing we all need, with and for Gaia. Support your prayers with the ancient remedies of the forest, as you experience the roots unwinding and creating new lush greenery, a healing pathway just for you.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aries & spark your creative aura

Our creative inspiration may hit a new note tonight under the Aries new moon. Electrifying ideas are yours to express, do not hold back when your aura hits the vein of individual expression. The Ram’s fire ignites ideas and helps you to liberate the stale energy of times past. With true liberation, you will find the purifying power to expand into the world. This is not the time to hide. Be brave and and tell it as it is. Furthering your soul power will equally distribute the harmonious equilibrium down the ancestral line. Evolving and synchronising with the Aries new luna is a token of the new era. Your voice is heard, here and now. Stay with your sparkling wisdom and capture your essence with spirited vocal tones, in music, in words, in colours. You are the substance of the stars.

Blessed Be )0(

Aries Flower Goddess, mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Sagittarius and fantastically fiery arrows

Fiery arrows of the Sagittarius are aimed with determined goals tonight. The full moon is bursting with energy to help us sprint ahead with all those dreams. Sieve away the ones which no longer speak to your heart and blossom your cherished ones. La luna and the archer will set it all into action.  Go ahead, conquer, love and be inspired.

New Moon Virgo Earth Blessings

Organise, be with the earth and get a grip. New Moon Virgo is nurturing and supporting, helping us to get rid of our dirty laundry and letting go of unfulfilling patterns. Let the maternal Virgo earth support you, tread the precious soil with care and respect. Work with her and she will reward you with a bounty of inspiration and abundance. Bless Mother Earth.