Category: feather

Full Moon Sagittarius, lunar eclipse & arrow of inspiration

The Queen of Inspiration synchronises her vision with the Sagittarian full moon tonight. With the centaur’s blessing, point your arrow and aim high, and see it flying through the obstacles. Gaze into the lunar eclipse portal and feel yourself drawn to a nurturing visit in the undefined space-time continuum, where injustice is healed and negative patterns are cleansed. Your creativity will take you far, and give you soul-peace. Anything that you wish to accomplish is possible, let the full luna light lead the way and feel supported by the Sagittarius fire.

Blessed Be)0(

Full Moon Virgo & stabilising the earth


La luna in earthy Virgo calls for action to preserve and heal the ground that we walk on.  When we are connected to Mother Earth’s powerful medicine, energy transforms and aligns, and the path becomes clear and solid. Cleanse and ground yourself under the full moon tonight by planting creative seeds in your imaginary Shamanic soul map.  Feed them with practical thoughts and acts, and let your Zen guide the dreams where they want to grow. You are free to explore any direction, whatever and whoever creates that spark of joy in your heart will light up the right connections for you to follow. Meanwhile pay attention to Gaia’s call and support her in any way you can.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces & compassion alert


The full belly of the Pisces moon shines her astral spell on you tonight. Welcome la luna’s aqueous energy as it enters your dream zone, making you aware of a different stream of subconscious flow.  Meditate with compassion and immerse your imagination in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. Honor the Medicine Wheel with gratitude and let the magic of Mother Earth penetrate your soul. Her and the moon, will provide you with all the answers you seek.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aquarius, fly high with your feather

Grab your magical flying feather at this new luna and steer towards the stars. Allow Aquarius to expand your vision once more as you focus on clarity and expansion. In the water bearer’s psyche lies the clues of newness to connect your precious dots. Gaze wondrously at the sky tonight and aim your illuminated cord towards the sliver of la luna.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Capricorn & journeying inward

The Goat moon is calling you tonight. It is time to revalue where you stand, where you want to be and how to become all that. Tune into the lunar fullness as she rises in the sky, and make space for your thoughts. Travel inward and find your magic spot where you can forgive and be at peace. Then mimic the goat’s enduring power and know that you are in charge once again. Blessed Be