Category: fullmoonaries

Full Moon Aries, shine your starseed

sunset trees clouds

Where do you come from?  The Autumn Equinox brought a resplendent harvest and precious gifts to your patient waiting. Now, under this full moon in Aries, we find ourselves seeking our original self, our origin, our starseed. The fiery inquisitiveness unique to the Ram’s temper, brings abundant knowledge from which your soul can call forth and ignite answers. Use this moment to carve out your very own space in this ever-expanding universe. Trust that you belong here, with all your perceived faults and quirks, there is only one of you.  Light your favourite incense tonight and work with the colour of deep healing magenta in your auric field. Sense your individual spark, find joy and be whole.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Aries, erase the excess

Wave goodbye to the old and out-dated tonight with the Aries full moon. Her healing fire cuts the ties to that which holds you back and lets you re-imagine your shining new self. Ask for the she-ram’s support as you toss away the heaviness and start the cycle afresh. Don’t be afraid to envision and celebrate what you truly want, your worth is crystallised beyond measure.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media by Pia

Full Moon Aries & cleanse it with fire


Make that belated bonfire tonight of all the negativity to be banished once and for all. No need to say you are sorry when the dead wood burns away and dissolves under the blazing Aries’ lunar power. Turn around revived and express gratitude to your soul’s journey as you again rise from the smoke, with a glowing aura of restored perception of the universe.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Aries eclipsing with colour


Blood moon arriving tonight, leave all your expectations out under la luna’s rays. Infused with Aries blazing energy and nature’s transformation into colours of fire, we might be pushed to extreme bravery and admit what is not working. The colourful magic of autumn’s transition is a powerful cleanse and the red moon will embrace your soul’s call. Remember – you are amazing.  Blessed be )0(

Full Moon Aries & Lunar Eclipse

Fight fire with fire and you get nowhere, pull down the defensive and stop hitting your head into the wall. Lunar Aries can ignite a fire swell of emotion, use it to your advantage and admit to the humanity within. Howl at the moon if needed and then embrace yourself with all your gifts and faults, they are unique and will take you where you want to be. Blessed Be.
Drawing by Pia.