Category: fullmooncancer

Full Moon Cancer & nurturing stars

Here we are under the Cancerian full moon’s light, nesting in our soul’s safe space. Introversion nurtures the passages in our minds as we gather truthful thoughts in quiet solitude. Bring your focus to those who are close to your heart, bless them to flourish as the shining stars they are. Emotions of gratitude may arise, let any tears flow while the Cancerian Mama Luna wipes them away with her compassion. Your boundaries are strengthened as the full lunar rays hit your bodily abode. Stay within, close your eyes, and gaze into the dream-time. Much is yet to be revealed, but now it is time to rest and wait.

Blessed Be )0(

Mama Rose Star, drawing by Pia, 2020

Full Moon Cancer & Lunar Eclipse

The full moon and lunar eclipse in Cancer invite you to stay still and consider your options. Enter the dream time of the Cancerian home, that which is the residency of your heart. Is it vacant or taken? Is there space to roam and be free? Move within your thoughts and let them spell the next steps to your nurturing soul-garden. Growth will occur when the weeds are expelled and transformed into fertile ground. The occulted moon provides a spacious opening for emotional risk-taking. Observe mama luna as she hides away, only to re-emerge in blissed light. Nothing is lost, you are forever present in the space-time continuum of The Fool’s Journey. The circle begins again. Stay with your heart, it knows the way.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Cancer & Winter Solstice visioning

Winter Solstice marks the return of the light and invites you to embrace a new vision under the Cancer full moon tonight. In the watery home of the nourishing crab, you can gather your strength and meditate on your dreams. There is no hurry as the winter night’s lullaby sing you into sleep, bringing Shakespearian mid-winter faries to playfully dust your eyes, arranging imaginary flowers around your bed. The full luna shows you another side of her psyche while displaying her bright silver rays. Receive the emotional healing in quiet contemplation. Sense the compassionate chords inside your heart, and tune yourself to that song we all know. Love.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & finding your sweet spot

Flow with the watery crab luna tonight and release your fears of the unknown. Splash away the experiences, the good with the bad, of 2017, and welcome the new year with a curiosity of the exotic adventures waiting. Grow your wisdom, refresh the energies and find your balance and power. Be who you truly are, from the inside of your sparkling soul to the stillness of the mind.  Meditate, breathe and balance. 2018 is yours.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer with home delights

Sparkles and sheen from the full Yule moon arrive tonight. Take time to look at her roundness and healing silver light and remember that the home sphere is the hemisphere for the nostalgic Cancer moon.  Is there something left to release and cleanse before the New Year?  Write a note to Santa’s helpers and offer his reindeer a bite to eat.  The Yule magic is all around you, rejoice and delight.
Blessed be )0(