Category: fullmooncapricorn

Full Moon Capricorn & lunar eclipse

Capricorn full moon eclipsed will bring out the hidden paths of your soul, your ties with the past, present and future are shifting, creating space for the new to enter. During this transitory time-zone, walk into your own ancient forest of delicate nourishment, in your mind the trees grow tall while you tread barefoot on the soft moss-covered ground. What is occulted is now revealed, the connection to your emotions will be acknowledged, they are real. There is nothing to hinder the progress you are embarking on. The temporarily darkened goat moon will show you the survival strategy to lighten your burden. Listen to the sounds of love from the roots of the ancient forest and surrender to their healing song. The way of the mystic is crystal-clear.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Capricorn & methodical resolutions

The sea-goat inspects our progress so far under today’s full moon. What have we achieved during the first six months of this year?  Take inventory of your journey, inspect and trust that you are in the very place that the universe wants you to be. The steps you have taken to get here are all valid and no matter if the outer sphere tries to tell you otherwise, your are evolving on your own nurturing path. Capricorn moon magic is to progress methodically and to help you clear the residue of the past while re-building your trusting foundation for future expansion. Attune to this energy wisely and say thank you to the goat’s steady pace. Investing in your dreams by inner alignment is the answer we all seek. Gratitude and patience add extra manifestation spice to the cauldron’s brew.

My card for this full moon is the 9 of Discs, the solitary healer-artist expanding her talent and work into the multiverse in the coming months.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Capricorn & strategic visions

Feel the earth under the grounded Capricorn full moon tonight and construct your concrete plans.  In this moment of astral movement, the goat provides logical solutions to anchor your ideas. Let go of the shadows, they are not real, and pierce through the walls of self-limitations with the brightness of the moon. Ancient formulaes are prevalent in the midst of global change and your support can stabilise the collective consciousness. Hear another call from Mother Earth to receive your rooted prayers as she shifts her energy. Be ready to transform and heal with her while the goat luna ascends and assures you this path is safe.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Capricorn & howling with the earth

Wolves might howl tonight under the full luna with the summer nights craving lupercalian magic and mayhem.  Stay with the moon-goat’s earthy vibe as you re-configure the past six months. What new is there yet to explore this year? Metamorphose temporarily into animal form and tread in your familiar’s shape and sense achievements quickening. Enter the dream world and journey safely through the roots of the earth and then awaken to a new bountiful dawn.
Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Capricorn & journeying inward

The Goat moon is calling you tonight. It is time to revalue where you stand, where you want to be and how to become all that. Tune into the lunar fullness as she rises in the sky, and make space for your thoughts. Travel inward and find your magic spot where you can forgive and be at peace. Then mimic the goat’s enduring power and know that you are in charge once again. Blessed Be