Category: fullmoongemini

Full Moon Gemini & twin soul magic

Your psyche will surface once more under the wintery full moon in Gemini. The clandestine cherished souls of the twins will join forces in the dreamy landscape of the cosmic heart. Hold hands, fall down and let it go, that one thing that can now be forgiven, let it slip out of your aura, and transform it into love. Transitory winter faeries flutter their opalescent wings, kissing your cheek and wrapping you in magic, reminding you to stay whole. Say thank you to la luna’s gorgeous twin energies and comfort your spirit poet’s thirst with precious drops of amaranthine nectar. The red winged angel is blessing your union, may the Goddess be with you, in all ways.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Gemini, sparkling the twin souls

The big Gemini moon is sparkling outside and arriving with chatty ideas. Tune into your twin soul under this revelatory luna and initiate those deep conversations that tick your cosmic boxes.  Spiraling with your third eye chakra, you can draw the patterns of your dreams and revisit the places where your soul-dust settled its’ shimmer, only for you to return and bring back the memories of love.

Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Gemini & jumping for joy



 Listen to the dolphin’s call and jump out of your depths at this Gemini full luna. Let the ray of rainbow bubbles fill your being with positivity and release the heaviness of shoulds. The outgoing moon of the twins opens new doors of perception and draws you in, follow the lunar wave and join in the joy.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Gemini, what are you hiding?


Impatience and flighty thoughts might arrive with the swift Gemini luna. The fairies are teasing you non-stop to move on, follow their enchanting dance as you detach from imposed demands. Smile at your own inventiveness and plant the beautful seeds for a new phase in your life. Ask the full luna to show you the hidden doors and let the airyness of the Gemini push you through, to the other side.

Blessed Be )0(

Pic by Pia


Full Moon Gemini refreshments

At full speed the Gemini moon urges us to start afresh. Swift words expressed now create desires, while the intellect is pushing boundaries, coaxing the heart to keep up with the changes. Bask under the round Luna tonight and set your imagination free. Gemini’s airy inventiveness will tackle those dusty thoughts and send them flying. Shine on and embrace yourself, and remember love is the answer to it all.