Category: fullmoonpisces

Full Moon Pisces & prosperous dreams

Under the full moon in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, we can now look deeper into the Neptunian field of dreams. The imagination of our destiny, highlighted under the full luna is supported by the prosperous rays of the Virgo sun. Be brave and seek the journey of fulfilment, float in the cosmic vision board specifically created by your spirit guardians, the images held close to your heart are now coming into reality. If you feel brave, look even deeper as the round-bellied Pisces moon heals fragments of desires which were lost. Within your soul-poems’ unspoken lines, you can marvel at the wisdom unfolding and celebrate your path once again.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces, dream, sleep and heal

two dolphins

Be at one with your dreams and sleep deeply under the full moon’s rays tonight. There is softness in the air, ready to reveal a new state of being, once again, your perceived skin is ready to be shed. Tune into your higher consciousness, the enlightened being of love, and ask her to step out of the cocoon. Follow the soft waves of compassion as you enter the honest flow of tranquility. Your imagination is your greatest ally when creating your new world. Change brings responsibility, for you, the community and for Mother Earth. Let the moonlight invade your veins and chant love to the rotund luna’s song. Accept that your vision is also the uni-vision, the positive vibrations you hold inside want to be unveiled, and by doing so, peace is brought to the world.

Blessed Be)0(

Full Moon Pisces & compassion alert


The full belly of the Pisces moon shines her astral spell on you tonight. Welcome la luna’s aqueous energy as it enters your dream zone, making you aware of a different stream of subconscious flow.  Meditate with compassion and immerse your imagination in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. Honor the Medicine Wheel with gratitude and let the magic of Mother Earth penetrate your soul. Her and the moon, will provide you with all the answers you seek.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces & fishing the subconscious


Watery reflections repeatedly bouncing back from the past to the present. The full lunar power of the Piscean dreaminess resurfaces as we recall who we once were. Gather your bait and fish for your lost soul parts, observe as they rush towards you in shimmering drops.  Sense the fullness of your whole being, be like the round moon, escape from your earthy chores and float free with the cosmos.

Blessed Be )0(

Drawing by Pia

Full Moon Pisces & Leprechaun magic

Big moon rising tonight and the Leprechaun might visit. Tuning into la luna’s Piscean dreaminess, make your very own wishing pot and leave it outside for him to find. Emotional excesses are ready to be left behind as we are ready to step onto our own path. Smile and release, all negativity is transmuted as the silvery moon rays bathe you in purifying light. Blessed Be