Full Moon Scorpio, with magic and love

The Queen of deep waters, Scorpio, joins the full moon for a luminous visit tonight. She invites you to leave your dirty laundry behind and let go of that emotional clutter. With the freedom to enjoy your own dreams, the Scorpio luna taps into the ancestral line and blesses your skills. You are a true magician of your own life. Bathe in sacred waters, infused with smokey quartz and rhodochrosite, let their vibrational qualities purify and support your body and soul. In the deep waters of Scorpio, we get to peek behind the veil, and journey in dream-time to that place where we have already been. Time and space collapse as your follow your totem into the mist. Awaken in light and trust.
Blessed Be )0(
The full moon in Scorpio casts a light on the occulted dreams from times past. Surfacing secrets, desires and mystical messages are whispered into your ear when the twilight of the soul is stung by the ancient Scorpio. Cleanse the emotional turbulence in the potent Beltaine fire and be nourished with the sweet, magical water of the omni-present Goddess. The cups of collaboration and celebration are calling you to dance with enjoyment under the Scorpionic moon, balancing the opaque darkness with the crystalline light. With the fertile season upon us, let your creativity loose, free your chakras and let the imagination run as a stream of unfettered consciousness. Creating its’ own undefined law of attraction, soulfulness will guide you home.
Blessed Be )0(
In the depth of the soul lies mysteries only you can unfold. Listen to the Scorpio full moon’s ancient ramblings and let her reveal and heal your wounds. In resonance with shimmering esoteric rhymes, the spirit will arise and enhance your endurance. Through your nocturnal dreams, this arachnid round luna will part with her secret knowledge and show your innate magic. Let the past go as you realise your ancient deep future is already awaiting patiently.
Blessed Be )0(
Mixed media art by Pia