Category: Goddess cards by Doreen Virtue

New Moon Capricorn, delegate with the goat

Strategise your coming year with the goat’s skilled steadfastness. Under this new moon light, the supportive and crafty Capricorn will help you to plan your next moves. Utilise her earthy talents to ask and create the help you need to move further. Stay grounded and embrace all the wisdom you can receive now to seed your new year. Green Tara stands by your side to smooth the processes to an everglowing flow of wisdom and genuine leadership.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces & compassion alert


The full belly of the Pisces moon shines her astral spell on you tonight. Welcome la luna’s aqueous energy as it enters your dream zone, making you aware of a different stream of subconscious flow.  Meditate with compassion and immerse your imagination in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. Honor the Medicine Wheel with gratitude and let the magic of Mother Earth penetrate your soul. Her and the moon, will provide you with all the answers you seek.

Blessed Be )0(