Category: herkimer diamond

Spring Equinox & Full Moon Libra musings

oracle card with three women

Celebrate Spring Equinox and the joy of partnership with family, friends and lovers under the fresh Libra full moon. Use ‘yes’ as your compass to navigate to your true north, it is an easy path once you understand your freedom of choice. Old patterning is cleansed when you dance in the footsteps of the spring Goddess. Her movements are free and wild, yet compassionate and grounding. With the increasing daylight nurturing earth and its’ beings, your curiosity is lit with the promise of a deep transformation. Plant your soul-seeds for the next season with magic, their sparkling buds will unfold universal truths, like exotic flowers, they will bring you love and happiness of an unknown kind. We do not need all the answers now. Trust and receive.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Libra & balancing the flow

The big blue moon in Libra tonight might awaken things which you have forgotten. Memories may rise to the surface, escalate and create their own waves. Take a deep breath and balance any excess emotions by nurturing the thoughts you wish to keep. Diplomatic conversations can reveal that which drains your energy, be brave and release so that you can guard your soul’s vital nectar. Spring is arriving and fresh elemental nourishment is greeting you from every direction. Be sparked forward into flowing joy, to the heart space where you can finally find balance and restore.

Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media art by Pia

New Moon Sagittarius, colourful wishes from the heart

The beautiful fire of the archer’s arrow is illuminating the sky with her colourful imagination today. Maybe you are ready to try something new with the adventurous vibe of the Sagittarius? Your heart centred intent is magnified during the new moon rays, utilise this window of magical time to contemplate on what you truly want. Create your wish list and increase your auric colours as you go forth and receive that which is yours.

Try this crystal meditation to connect to your heart’s dreams and write them down for your focused intent.

Crystals needed for this meditation:

Herkimer diamond or clear quartz

Purple fluorite

Green fluorite



Black tourmaline


Lie down in a comfortable place.

Place the herkimer diamond or clear quartz on your crown chakra.

Place the purple fluorite on your third eye.

Place the turquoise on your throat chakra.

Place the green fluorite on your heart chakra.

Hold the charoite in your left hand.

Place the black tourmaline below your feet.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Relax and focus on your deepest wishes, and let yourself receive.

Be open to any messages that come to you.

Stay in meditation for five to fifteen minutes.


After the meditation, ground yourself and drink some water if needed.

Write down any words, images or messages which you received.


Happy New Moon!


Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media art by Pia