Category: labradorite

New Moon Pisces & initiating compassionate visions

With the new moon in Pisces energising the sky, gather your mermaid friends and start an underwater coven of mischief and fun. Mystical and dreamy, the Piscean energy will nurture your emotions with its’ promises of healing the subconscious. The ancient wisdom received now is stirring your undercurrent and electrifying deep wishes. Once more, let yourself dream and sleep undisturbed, as the water-faes wash away your fears of the unknown. Wear your mermaid tail with bravery and weave yourself out of the dark depths into the turquoise waters of the nourishing heart. Accept the freedom and chant it into being.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Gemini, sparkling the twin souls

The big Gemini moon is sparkling outside and arriving with chatty ideas. Tune into your twin soul under this revelatory luna and initiate those deep conversations that tick your cosmic boxes.  Spiraling with your third eye chakra, you can draw the patterns of your dreams and revisit the places where your soul-dust settled its’ shimmer, only for you to return and bring back the memories of love.

Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Libra Eclipsing

The seen and the unseen. Veiled underneath complicated thoughts, the full luna eclipse brings the opportunity to release and grow. The stellar conspiracy may feel too invasive but the purge is for the best. From the temporary darkness comes a new light, an opalesque luminescence that cleanses and puts our innards back where they belong. Blessed be in these changing times.