Category: medicine cards

New Moon Virgo, transformations in trust

New opportunities await with the Virgo new moon. Flutter your wings and accept the transformation to become the best you can be. Earthy affairs are protected as you set your plans to a new level. Walk in grace on the sacred ground, bless each step and gather the positive vibration of all that you can be and provide for her balance. Flow with the new luna tonight and set your sights on something higher. Hard work and trust will show you the rewards when the Virgo cycle ends again.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & finding your sweet spot

Flow with the watery crab luna tonight and release your fears of the unknown. Splash away the experiences, the good with the bad, of 2017, and welcome the new year with a curiosity of the exotic adventures waiting. Grow your wisdom, refresh the energies and find your balance and power. Be who you truly are, from the inside of your sparkling soul to the stillness of the mind.  Meditate, breathe and balance. 2018 is yours.

Blessed Be )0(