Category: newmoongemini

New Moon Gemini, with the Empress blessing

Swirling through the ether, the Gemini new luna is providing courage to communicate with yourself, the ancestors and Mother Earth. In a ring of 10 Pentacles, ground and invite the astrological twin energy to heal your circle of beings. The blessing of The Empress, lifting her hood and unveiling planetary companions, can send you into the Akasha to retrieve your soul’s blessing. Think wide and far tonight and feel your heart opening to another round of possibilities as the new moon kisses your sweet lips.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Gemini, words come forth

Communicative new moon in Gemini helps us to assess the subtle ways we absorb and convey information, reminding us to utilise the channels which express our individuality with grace and wisdom. Let the luna of the twins fine-tune your words, write down a poem from your heart-space and recite it to the one(s) you love under the new moon’s dark light. Joyous experiences arrive as the truth is informed. In the Tarot, Temperance tells us to balance excesses and choose the middle way. It is the path which brings you peace, simultaneously awakening the universal sonics of a higher vibration. Trust the flow once more and meet your twin-soul as the night draws in. Know they are close by, energetically embracing you in deep sacred love as you sleep in velvety peace.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Gemini & twinned wishing time

Communication with like-minded souls is emerging to the surface with the new moon in Gemini tonight. Reinforced by the entertaining air of the twins, the ideas you forge at this very moment will create a fortunate haven, blessed by the souls who are kindred. Utilise this auspicious opportunity to cleanse any limiting beliefs of self-expansion, free your mind and dance with the air sylphs to receive their offerings of the intellectual kind. Remember that when grounding your ideas with an open heart, you connect to the synchronous paths of the cosmos. Seeding your wishes in la luna’s newly formed embrace, her cauldron will absorb and simmer, and she will deliver something even greater than you envisioned in the months to come.  The Ace of Pipes is supporting your ideas, fueled by the twins’ air, she blows all doubts away.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Gemini & High Priestess Healings

Be your own High Priestess at this new luna in Gemini and wipe the slate clean with your magical tools of healing.  The airy twins appear everywhere when you open your eyes to the signs. Let their trickeries humour you and lighten up any clouded thoughts as the nights soon reach their shortest hour.  Maybe a fairy or two will appear tonight as you sip a healing brew under the lunar sky.  Prepare for magic.
Blessed Be )0(