Category: newmoonleo

New Moon Leo & creativity of the heart

Leo new moon arrives tonight with an empty space to fill with all your creative dreams. The feline love is purring with inspiration, her paws filled with ideas. Which is the one to fill your cup of passion? Be receptive as la luna shows you the extravaganza of colours and shapes. Under this new leonine moon we shape our next six months of joy and imagination. Don’t shy away, let the warmth of the big cat extract your inner artist and extrapolate your vision. Flowing with the energies of creation by fire you can be all that you love now.

Blessed Be )0(

Wild forest love fairy, mixed media art by Pia, 2021

New Moon Leo & pink sky crystal magic

Draw down your own Leonine new moon tonight and let her purr next to your heart chakra, soothing those dreams which are yet to crystallise. In the radiance of the lunar clawed paws, extend your arms to receive the full range of heart-centred inspiration as the new moon rises in the sky. With a pointed quartz, ask that your focus be crystal clear and intent the next cycle of colourful creativity. Dance with the passion of the Leo and sense the sun’s joyful energy balancing the moon’s pensative imagination. Let the electric heart be your guide as the soul-magic gracefully guides you home. Be in your truest essence, always.

Blessed Be )0(

Photo by Pia

New Moon Leo, awakening with the solar eclipse

The Lioness roars again with the new moon today.  A clean slate for creative enterprises is in preparation after we have ventured beyond the purifying solar eclipsed field. Brush your mane and colour it bright, be brave but don’t boast. The warmth of the Leo’s big heart has a solution to every puzzle, evoke its’ feline frequency and adopt a regal posture while you relax your stance.  Work with your heart chakra, meditate, sing, dance and rejoice.  Free your imagination and return to your kitten’s roots as you discover another part of your playful soul. Awaken and sparkle in your true skin.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed Media by Pia

New Moon Leo, with solar eclipse magic

Trust this second chance to explore the blessings of the loving Leo new moon. Admit to your deepest wishes and dreams with honesty, then close your eyes and sense the manifestation magic during the empowered solar eclipse. Observe your secrets within the obsidian, like the new luna, the dark mirror knows what she will gift you. Do not fear, but receive with a sage scented welcome, this journey will make you blossom into the luminous being you truly are.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Leo & creative beginnings

Feel the soft fire of the Leonine new luna as she climbs the summer sky on her gentle paws. Claws retracted, she purrs and whispers reminders that you can achieve more than you believe. Slow down and let the lioness joy-filled energy show you how to manifest from the heart chakra. The green-pink rays extend and swirl in all directions needed, while the parallel universe opens her graceful doors to a glimpse of what is and can be. The love is everywhere, you can’t hide anymore.

Blessed Be )0(


Drawing by Pia