Category: newmoonvirgo

New Moon Virgo, transformations in trust

New opportunities await with the Virgo new moon. Flutter your wings and accept the transformation to become the best you can be. Earthy affairs are protected as you set your plans to a new level. Walk in grace on the sacred ground, bless each step and gather the positive vibration of all that you can be and provide for her balance. Flow with the new luna tonight and set your sights on something higher. Hard work and trust will show you the rewards when the Virgo cycle ends again.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Virgo & healthy earth glow

nine of pentacles tarot card

Ground and glow with the new moon in Virgo tonight. Receive her guidance for health and abundance which  is rooted in Mother Earth’s tangible structure. Autumnal colours will inspire you to slow down and trust your forthcoming harvest.  Be in your body and calmly dance to the silent rhythms of la luna’s rays. Synchronise your chakras with the flesh, muscle and bone that created the unique you. Travel back to your ancestors and meet the founder of your lineage. The true Goddess who is your guide. Listen to her words, spoken in an ancient language, and know that her advice is the one you can trust. Embrace her message and let the soul healing take place. You are complete as you are.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Virgo & abundant earthyness

Connect with nature under this grounding new luna and contemplate clearly on your earthy wishes. The essence of the logical Virgo will fill your cauldron of abundance with supportive strength.  Make a bouquet of  autumn wildflowers and brush your aura, invigorating the electric pathways for the beaming of lunar rays.  Be steadfast in your progress and lay your hands on Mother Earth for a reciprocal healing.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Virgo & prosperity waves

Broom the house and get the cobwebs out!  The new luna is urging you to cleanse and energise your prosperity corner as earthy Virgo is preparing you for new treasure. Take a deep breath and contemplate of what is no longer needed in your life and release it under the night sky. Letting go of heaviness is easy with Virgo, she holds your hand firmly as you shake off your old leaves, dropping them to the ground and transmuting it all to something new. Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Virgo Earth Blessings

Organise, be with the earth and get a grip. New Moon Virgo is nurturing and supporting, helping us to get rid of our dirty laundry and letting go of unfulfilling patterns. Let the maternal Virgo earth support you, tread the precious soil with care and respect. Work with her and she will reward you with a bounty of inspiration and abundance. Bless Mother Earth.