Category: picture jasper

Full Moon Virgo & stabilising the earth


La luna in earthy Virgo calls for action to preserve and heal the ground that we walk on.  When we are connected to Mother Earth’s powerful medicine, energy transforms and aligns, and the path becomes clear and solid. Cleanse and ground yourself under the full moon tonight by planting creative seeds in your imaginary Shamanic soul map.  Feed them with practical thoughts and acts, and let your Zen guide the dreams where they want to grow. You are free to explore any direction, whatever and whoever creates that spark of joy in your heart will light up the right connections for you to follow. Meanwhile pay attention to Gaia’s call and support her in any way you can.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Libra, Ostara Love and Lunar eclipse

Libran scales are indeed swinging today, finding it hard to keep the balance?  This full luna will highlight that which has been boiling under the surface. Today, cook those eggs, write your releasements and have a meditational solitude. While the moon eclipses, justice will arise and you will be one step closer to the truth. Blessed Be <3