Category: pink tourmaline

Full Moon Love & heartfelt passions arise

The beautiful full moon in Leo creates passionate awakenings and luxurious thoughts of love and creativity. Tune into the lioness luna and let her warmth fill your chakras with passionate energy. Express your individuality as part of the cosmos, and remember that which makes you radiate brings healing to others. In this time of deep soul-longing, find your creative spark and let it flow, like the flowers opening their petals to the sun, let your heart chakra receive and express your unique talents. Meditate with the gorgeous rays of pink and green and reset your visioning. Being here and now will lead you to the future of your dreams, where places, people and energies positively connect.

Blessed Be )0(

Artwork by Pia

New Moon Pisces, dreaming in the soul zone

Create comfort in your soul zone under the curative Pisces new moon tonight. Dreamy emotions may surface as evident clues in your nightscape of parallel existence. Many doors are opening now, be receptive as the shimmering shard of la luna shows you graceful pieces of the puzzle which lies ahead. Practise gentle moon healing and let your sacred meditation guide you into an Alpha state where the Piscean deep waters bring you stillness and illumination.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & finding your sweet spot

Flow with the watery crab luna tonight and release your fears of the unknown. Splash away the experiences, the good with the bad, of 2017, and welcome the new year with a curiosity of the exotic adventures waiting. Grow your wisdom, refresh the energies and find your balance and power. Be who you truly are, from the inside of your sparkling soul to the stillness of the mind.  Meditate, breathe and balance. 2018 is yours.

Blessed Be )0(