Category: quartz cluster

Full Moon Virgo & sparkling prospects

Tonight’s earthy Virgo full moon sends a hint of sparkle into the wintery moods and highlights our attitude to serve. Look at the higher prospects of service, not only how you behave and help in the community, but how you serve your own dreams and desires. Listen to your body’s melody as the Virgo vibe guides you along to thoroughly loosen up your limbs, cleansing your bodily house while gazing at the moon. Coupled with the Pisces dreamy energy of fine-tuning your higher vision, the Virgo luna will support you to root that dream, and reminds you to not lose touch with who you really are. Walk among the sacred ancestors from the ancient past and embrace their wisdom. Calming clarity will enrichen your weeks ahead as you turn a corner and welcome spring.

Blessed Be )0(

Shaman’s dream, (in progress), painting by Pia

Full Moon Capricorn & methodical resolutions

The sea-goat inspects our progress so far under today’s full moon. What have we achieved during the first six months of this year?  Take inventory of your journey, inspect and trust that you are in the very place that the universe wants you to be. The steps you have taken to get here are all valid and no matter if the outer sphere tries to tell you otherwise, your are evolving on your own nurturing path. Capricorn moon magic is to progress methodically and to help you clear the residue of the past while re-building your trusting foundation for future expansion. Attune to this energy wisely and say thank you to the goat’s steady pace. Investing in your dreams by inner alignment is the answer we all seek. Gratitude and patience add extra manifestation spice to the cauldron’s brew.

My card for this full moon is the 9 of Discs, the solitary healer-artist expanding her talent and work into the multiverse in the coming months.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Pisces & compassion alert


The full belly of the Pisces moon shines her astral spell on you tonight. Welcome la luna’s aqueous energy as it enters your dream zone, making you aware of a different stream of subconscious flow.  Meditate with compassion and immerse your imagination in the four elements of air, fire, water and earth. Honor the Medicine Wheel with gratitude and let the magic of Mother Earth penetrate your soul. Her and the moon, will provide you with all the answers you seek.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Virgo tree hugging

Do what the Virgo does best today, organise, clean and manifest, and don’t let the emotions overtake you. This full luna calls for earthyness and digging into the soil. Stay still for a moment, feel the healing ground beneath your feet, and then release the whirlwindic thoughts. Abundance, in its many forms, is arriving once you know what you want.   Blessed Be