Category: selenite

New Moon Sagittarius & adventure blooms

Have your magical bow and arrow ready when la luna arrives in Sagittarius tonight. The friendly archer has many surprises for you, spurring your adventurous soul further into the vast universe of kindred souls. Focus on your higher heart, with its’ decorated passages of acceptance and narrow corridors of dreams lined with extraordinary exotic flowers. In here, the archer’s arrow has already found its’ mark, the seeds of love have been planted, your soul’s moisture watering the flowers to full bloom. Inhale the scent of softness, the iridescent waves of Sagittarius friendly fire as you journey gently under the new moon.

Blessed Be )0(

Spring Equinox & Full Moon Libra musings

oracle card with three women

Celebrate Spring Equinox and the joy of partnership with family, friends and lovers under the fresh Libra full moon. Use ‘yes’ as your compass to navigate to your true north, it is an easy path once you understand your freedom of choice. Old patterning is cleansed when you dance in the footsteps of the spring Goddess. Her movements are free and wild, yet compassionate and grounding. With the increasing daylight nurturing earth and its’ beings, your curiosity is lit with the promise of a deep transformation. Plant your soul-seeds for the next season with magic, their sparkling buds will unfold universal truths, like exotic flowers, they will bring you love and happiness of an unknown kind. We do not need all the answers now. Trust and receive.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Cancer & Winter Solstice visioning

Winter Solstice marks the return of the light and invites you to embrace a new vision under the Cancer full moon tonight. In the watery home of the nourishing crab, you can gather your strength and meditate on your dreams. There is no hurry as the winter night’s lullaby sing you into sleep, bringing Shakespearian mid-winter faries to playfully dust your eyes, arranging imaginary flowers around your bed. The full luna shows you another side of her psyche while displaying her bright silver rays. Receive the emotional healing in quiet contemplation. Sense the compassionate chords inside your heart, and tune yourself to that song we all know. Love.

Blessed Be )0(