Category: smokey quartz

Full Moon Aries, erase the excess

Wave goodbye to the old and out-dated tonight with the Aries full moon. Her healing fire cuts the ties to that which holds you back and lets you re-imagine your shining new self. Ask for the she-ram’s support as you toss away the heaviness and start the cycle afresh. Don’t be afraid to envision and celebrate what you truly want, your worth is crystallised beyond measure.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media by Pia

New Moon Virgo & prosperity waves

Broom the house and get the cobwebs out!  The new luna is urging you to cleanse and energise your prosperity corner as earthy Virgo is preparing you for new treasure. Take a deep breath and contemplate of what is no longer needed in your life and release it under the night sky. Letting go of heaviness is easy with Virgo, she holds your hand firmly as you shake off your old leaves, dropping them to the ground and transmuting it all to something new. Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Libra Eclipsing

The seen and the unseen. Veiled underneath complicated thoughts, the full luna eclipse brings the opportunity to release and grow. The stellar conspiracy may feel too invasive but the purge is for the best. From the temporary darkness comes a new light, an opalesque luminescence that cleanses and puts our innards back where they belong. Blessed be in these changing times.