Category: tangerine quartz

Full Moon Capricorn & methodical resolutions

The sea-goat inspects our progress so far under today’s full moon. What have we achieved during the first six months of this year?  Take inventory of your journey, inspect and trust that you are in the very place that the universe wants you to be. The steps you have taken to get here are all valid and no matter if the outer sphere tries to tell you otherwise, your are evolving on your own nurturing path. Capricorn moon magic is to progress methodically and to help you clear the residue of the past while re-building your trusting foundation for future expansion. Attune to this energy wisely and say thank you to the goat’s steady pace. Investing in your dreams by inner alignment is the answer we all seek. Gratitude and patience add extra manifestation spice to the cauldron’s brew.

My card for this full moon is the 9 of Discs, the solitary healer-artist expanding her talent and work into the multiverse in the coming months.

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aries & renewing your ‘wows’

What makes you feel ‘wow’? The new moon in Aries and the astrological new year may shake up any plans and foundations which you have seeded so far. Utilise this creative opening to investigate the mystery from the depths of your soul and ask yourself, does this make me feel true? If new ideas reveal themselves, while the old ones feel torn, rewrite your wishes and sparkle a bit of the Aries new moon fire into the star-lined manifestation cauldron. Shake your body to release your dreams and observe the tiny coloured lights expanding with the time-line of your own healing universe.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media art by Pia

New Moon Gemini & spiralling within

With the new moon’s vibrant twin energy urging you to find solutions, ground yourself, take a deep breath and step back from the externally imposed hectic pace. The soul’s call is closer than you know. Trust and believe. Look into the spiralling spirit and find what you seek in the silence of the universal harmonies. It is now time to navigate the crystal ship to the shores of your dreams. Steer well, with necessary caution, and let la luna illuminate your journey to the sacredness.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media art by Pia

New Moon Pisces, watery dreams unfolding

Is it all a dream? Watery imagery surfacing during the dark luna, evolving from the Piscean realm of intuition. Pay attention to your third eye as the new moon rises. Tune into the emotional response and follow the fishes lead as they undulate within the obscured depths of the subconscious. Endings are calling, will you leap for the new?

Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aries, ignite your skills & fuel the passion

The passionate energy of the ram is taking over today, infuse yourself in this firey, magical cleanse and see beyond the clouds. Your innate skills are here to stay, fine-tune them, find your footing and then go wild. Aries fuelled self-expression can make the most modest soul reach out. Have a creative blast and bless all of your ideas, their validity is true.