Category: tektite

New Moon Aries & renewing your ‘wows’

What makes you feel ‘wow’? The new moon in Aries and the astrological new year may shake up any plans and foundations which you have seeded so far. Utilise this creative opening to investigate the mystery from the depths of your soul and ask yourself, does this make me feel true? If new ideas reveal themselves, while the old ones feel torn, rewrite your wishes and sparkle a bit of the Aries new moon fire into the star-lined manifestation cauldron. Shake your body to release your dreams and observe the tiny coloured lights expanding with the time-line of your own healing universe.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Capricorn & journeying inward

The Goat moon is calling you tonight. It is time to revalue where you stand, where you want to be and how to become all that. Tune into the lunar fullness as she rises in the sky, and make space for your thoughts. Travel inward and find your magic spot where you can forgive and be at peace. Then mimic the goat’s enduring power and know that you are in charge once again. Blessed Be