Category: thewildunknowntarot

New Moon Aries, swing your fiery wands

Access your inner fire Goddess with the rising new moon in Aries. Dance to the intricate beat of the ram’s horns as the flaming fire keeps your creativity alive. Embrace your sacral chakra and motivate yourself to spark with the new light. What is there to loose? Take your inspiration further and manifest your dreams. Size does not matter, expiry date is not applicable. Follow the fiery wands of your soul and draw the pattern of your path with the embers of the lunar light.


Blessed Be )0(

New Moon Aquarius, fly high with your feather

Grab your magical flying feather at this new luna and steer towards the stars. Allow Aquarius to expand your vision once more as you focus on clarity and expansion. In the water bearer’s psyche lies the clues of newness to connect your precious dots. Gaze wondrously at the sky tonight and aim your illuminated cord towards the sliver of la luna.

Blessed Be )0(