Category: tree moss agate

New Moon Taurus & finding home

The new moon in Taurus tonight brings the comforts of the home, telling you to relax and to be with the earth. Grounding truths may appear, illuminating the feeling of pure knowledge, letting it touch you in all the ways a soul retrieval can. The Taurean Goddess allows for luxurious enjoyment, and for creating your own sacred nest. Starting small, the building bricks laced with earth fairy magic will provide the Shakespearean space of dream time. Gracefully open your heart under the new moon tonight and let the feeling of protective abundance heal you. Hug a tree and let loose. It is all here, waiting for you.

Blessed Be )0(

Earth Goddess, drawing by Pia, 2021

Full Moon Virgo & Gaian times

The earthy full moon in Virgo tonight nurtures us with her grounding caress and asks us to commit to clean living. Energetically purifying, la luna inspires us to make an investment in ourselves, to survey our growth and find our footing again. With the elemental balance of the moon-earth and water-sun, we can dip our toes into the Neptunian depth, stay balanced on the land and investigate our strengths, while we make a decision. Cleansing the closet, physical and mental, of past hurts and thriving into the well-being of the future, we now energise and manifest the utmost. Trust your bodily intuition as the full moon guides you in somatic movement and the earth-fairies replenish your soul.

Blessed Be )0(