Category: turquoise

New Moon Sagittarius, colourful wishes from the heart

The beautiful fire of the archer’s arrow is illuminating the sky with her colourful imagination today. Maybe you are ready to try something new with the adventurous vibe of the Sagittarius? Your heart centred intent is magnified during the new moon rays, utilise this window of magical time to contemplate on what you truly want. Create your wish list and increase your auric colours as you go forth and receive that which is yours.

Try this crystal meditation to connect to your heart’s dreams and write them down for your focused intent.

Crystals needed for this meditation:

Herkimer diamond or clear quartz

Purple fluorite

Green fluorite



Black tourmaline


Lie down in a comfortable place.

Place the herkimer diamond or clear quartz on your crown chakra.

Place the purple fluorite on your third eye.

Place the turquoise on your throat chakra.

Place the green fluorite on your heart chakra.

Hold the charoite in your left hand.

Place the black tourmaline below your feet.


Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Relax and focus on your deepest wishes, and let yourself receive.

Be open to any messages that come to you.

Stay in meditation for five to fifteen minutes.


After the meditation, ground yourself and drink some water if needed.

Write down any words, images or messages which you received.


Happy New Moon!


Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media art by Pia


Full Moon Taurus & piercing the ancestral veil


Illuminate yourself tonight under the big, bold and sensual Taurean luna, her earthy vibration will nurture you, giving support during this Halloween week. Thinning veils between realms might invite ancestral energies to arrive from every corner. Feel the roots and branches of your family tree stir when you unravel another clue to this quest of life. Be grateful for your kin, they built you.
Blessed Be )0(