Category: vintage necklace

New Moon Scorpio & soul retrieval

woman with long hair victorian french jet necklace

Is there a part of you which is still missing?  Have the dreams you nurtured so deeply vanquished into the ether? Tune into the new luna in Scorpio tonight and send your spirit-helpers on a quest to reunite your dreams, wishes and lost soul parts. In the shamanic journey your spirit animal may appear in a surprising guise. Follow her into the watery Scorpionic underworld where she will free you from limitations and create a nourishing space for your deepest desires. Under this dark moon we all sense each other, our hopes and fears are linked as we wander on our individual paths. The macrocosmic tunes will connect us, enlighten our very sacred presence on beloved Mother Earth. In the beautiful moist mystery of the Goddess womb, you will heal and be guided to take one step closer to your soul tribe. Be open in the stillness of the magic.

Blessed Be )0(


Mixed media artwork by Pia

New Moon Taurus, sensual riches awakening

Connect to your earthy sensual richness under the new moon in Taurus tonight, open your treasure box and adorn your secret altar with precious items. Highlighting material gifts with gratitude makes them grow steadily in a prosperous infinity. Treasures of the heart serve equally well under la luna’s oxen embodiment, be open to change if a wild-call weaves itself into your consciousness.  Observe the growing luna in the weeks ahead, lighting corners of hope and creating trust in the Venusian influence to secure your blessings.

Blessed Be )0(

Full Moon Sagittarius and fantastically fiery arrows

Fiery arrows of the Sagittarius are aimed with determined goals tonight. The full moon is bursting with energy to help us sprint ahead with all those dreams. Sieve away the ones which no longer speak to your heart and blossom your cherished ones. La luna and the archer will set it all into action.  Go ahead, conquer, love and be inspired.