Category: vintage oracle cards

Full Moon Sagittarius and fantastically fiery arrows

Fiery arrows of the Sagittarius are aimed with determined goals tonight. The full moon is bursting with energy to help us sprint ahead with all those dreams. Sieve away the ones which no longer speak to your heart and blossom your cherished ones. La luna and the archer will set it all into action.  Go ahead, conquer, love and be inspired.

Full Moon Scorpio & Beltane nature magic

The Beltane cleansing fire is burning strong here, nature is renewing herself and flowering the earth. Coupled with the ancient Scorpio wisdom, this full luna nurtures the occult, opening a new perspective to that which is hidden. Welcome the change, draw down the moon tonight, and raise a glass to her primordial strength, which can be yours. Blessed be )0(

Full Moon Libra, Ostara Love and Lunar eclipse

Libran scales are indeed swinging today, finding it hard to keep the balance?  This full luna will highlight that which has been boiling under the surface. Today, cook those eggs, write your releasements and have a meditational solitude. While the moon eclipses, justice will arise and you will be one step closer to the truth. Blessed Be <3