Category: yellow jade

New Moon Taurus & earthy love

Stay with your thoughts focused on the best and let the unease be. The new moon in Taurus will bless you with her oxen powers and let you cherish in Venusian delights. What is her gift, we wonder, the one within reach, just for you? Listen to la luna’s messages tonight, and let the tensions drift, receive the earth-moon’s healing and sleep deeply. Dream well, flower child of the wild. Your blossoming is near.

Blessed Be )0(

Art by Pia

Full Moon Leo & lunar eclipse magic


Let your hair loose under the roaring Leo full moon, gather your artistic supplies and paint the sky a lunar eclipse red. Mama Lioness will join your creative play and help you to release and heal the blocks, pains and ailments which seemingly suppress your chosen path.  Give the eclipse its chance to magically transmute your obstacles into a lighter form, then pause and feel free to dance with your soul’s calling to unexpected goals.

Blessed Be )0(

Mixed media art by Pia

Full Moon Leo, brush up your mane

Bring out the hairspray with the Leo full moon extravaganza tonight and bare your ego to any eclipsing thoughts that push you down. The lioness gregarious side calls for artistic co-operation, with a soulful touch as you replenish with the love of Mother Earth. Emulate the softness of Leo’s feline paws and use the claws to scratch away the last resistance to spiritual transformation. Purr away with your luscious hair blowing in the lunar wind and feel the freedom reigning.

Blessed be )0(


Drawing by Pia

New Moon Virgo Earth Blessings

Organise, be with the earth and get a grip. New Moon Virgo is nurturing and supporting, helping us to get rid of our dirty laundry and letting go of unfulfilling patterns. Let the maternal Virgo earth support you, tread the precious soil with care and respect. Work with her and she will reward you with a bounty of inspiration and abundance. Bless Mother Earth.